All eyes on the 1st patient of the city who completes 14 days today in Mayo

Nagpur: First positive Covid-19 patient admitted to Indira Gandhi Government Medical College Hospital (IGGMCH) isolation ward will complete a 14-day stay on Tuesday when his swab sample is checked once more. If the test comes negative, it will be big good news for Vidarbha where there has been no new positive patient for seven consecutive days.
“That first positive patient will be checked on Tuesday. We are all eagerly anticipating negative tests of him. All government machinery has been operating day and night in Nagpur division to avoid Covid-19 spreading. For all of us, a first patient coming out of the infection would be a real morale booster, “divisional commissioner Sanjeev Kumar said.
In the meantime, a total of 15 samples were checked at the IGGMCH facility on Monday, and all were found negative. Twenty-six new samples from all over Vidarbha were received whose results are awaited.
“Overall nine new offenders identified Monday at GMCH, seven males and two females,” a senior GMCH official said.
These included a Nagpur man, 33, who had stayed in North America between 15 February and 15 March and suffered from cough and fever. The defendant has 10-year history of sinusitis.
Also admitted that GMCH was a 65-year-old health care worker. A 42-year-old woman who came in close contact with one of the successful patients, a 50-year-old suspect who had a travel history to Myanmar, a 27-year-old girl who returned from London on March 19, a 32-year-old resident doctor, a 38-year-old from West Africa, and two others were admitted to the isolation ward. The samples have been submitted to IGGMCH.
No patient from other parts of Vidarbha checked Monday for positive. The patient who had not been reporting his travel history to Belgium for 22 days and was admitted tonCovid-19 at Chandrapur GMCH on Sunday with malaria and typhoid ailments tested negative. A total of 11 new people who came back from international trips were registered Monday and quarantined at home.
On Sunday, Swab samples of three persons admitted to sub-district hospital in the Hinganghat district of Wardha were sent to the city for examination. Monday, they tested negative.
In Yavatmal, administration on Monday set 49 people free after due medical examinations held under house quarantine.