Beware of the fraudsters, board watches the misdeeds

Nagpur: The Divisional Board of Nagpur discreetly trains and exercises supervisors /invigilators of the exam centers to recognize bogus hall tickets through which dummy candidates appear for exams. It was a result of this’ reading’ that one such dummy candidate was identified and handed over to police on Tuesday by invigilators.
Ravikant Deshpande, chairman of the divisional board of Nagpur, said, “We were vigilant in such cases and gave our supervisors a detailed briefing on how to identify such fraud. They, in effect, have qualified the invigilators. “The board sends separately a list of the candidates with their images to each exam center, which can be reviewed by the invigilators at any time.
Some instances of impersonation are referred to popularly as ‘totyagiri’. With advances in printing technology and software for photographic photography, the production of partially fake hall tickets has become easier. In part, because the hall ticket has eventually to be authorized by the principal of the college.
Ashok Gavhankar, Vidarbha Junior College Teachers Association (VJUCTA) general secretary said, “The ticket to the hall is a printout that one downloads from the approved site. So it’s just a piece of paper on which the student is present with a scanned photo. This is confirmed by the principal of the college who signs and certifies with the seal of the university.
Many unscrupulous characters threaten to superimpose a fake candidate’s photo on the hall ticket and then forge the principal’s signature and stamp. A highly risky gambit to combat these cases, as the board has brought in checks and balances.
Madhusudhan Mude, president of the Headmasters Association (HA), said, “The board also sends a sheet with names and pictures of the candidates to every exam center. This can be used by invigilators to cross-check whenever there is a question as to the legitimacy of a nominee. It will be stupid of anyone trying to forge a ticket to the hall, as they are likely to get caught.