CBSE Class 12th Result 2020 declared: Trivandrum best performing district over 1.5 lakh score above 90 percent marks

CBSE class 12 outcome 2020: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has brought positive news for students given the challenges, confusion and long delays in exams and tests. While the percentage of passes has increased, the number of students receiving 90+ marks is also rising.
This can turn into tougher competition and a higher cut-off for college entrances. As many as 1,57,934 students scored more than 90% marks while 38,686 scored more than 95% marks in the results of CBSE class 12. The result for CBSE class 12 can be found at
CBSE Class 12: 2020 LIVE UPDATES
As many as 13.24% of total students have marks of over 90% and as many as 3.24% of the 12 lakh students have marks of over 95%, as the official data suggest. For CBSE class 12 Board exams more than 12 lakh students had registered to appear. Of these, the Board exam was cleared by 88.78% It is a 5.38% improvement from 2019, when 83.40%of students passed the test.
Among regions, Trivandrum saw the maximum students pass (97.67%), followed by Bengaluru with 97.05% and Chennai with 96.17%. A total of 94.39% of students have passed the exam in Delhi. The top-performing region was also Trivandrum in 2019, but in 2019 it had a higher pass percentage of 98.20 %.
As many as 94.26% could clear it out among foreign students. This is a slight drop from 2019 when 95.43 % of students from abroad passed CBSE class 12 exams.
Gender-wise, girls performed best, with 92.15 % of female students passing their exams against 86.19% of boys and 66.67% of transgender students who appeared for the exam and were able to clear it up.
When it comes to schools, the highest scorers have been the government schools. The Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) reported 98.70% of the students as passed, closely followed by Kendriya Vidyalayas where 98.62% of the students cleared the exams. The Central Tibetan School Administration schools were 3rd with 98.23% passing percentage and 94.94 government-run schools and 91.56% govt-aided schools. As per the data provided by the CBSE, independent schools or private schools had a pass rate of 88.22%.
The JNV ‘s took over KVs. KVs ended last year with a 98.54% passage, led by JNVs at 96.62 %. Also this year, the transfer rate of top-ranking schools has risen.