During lockdown, SECR upgrades the railways

Nagpur:- The lockdown came as a disguised blessing for South East Central Railway’s Nagpur Division (SECR) with the engineering department carrying out over 1,200 km of track maintenance over the past month.
The Division carried out track works with different machines from March 24 to May 4, from Itwari to Durg. “We’ve done simple track tamping with different track machines for 415 km. It required alignment correction and correction of longitudinal and cross-levels, in addition to packaging under the sleepers, “SECR officials said. They added that the tamping of turnout had also been achieved.
Machines, particularly at the crossing section, were also used to achieve a proper level. “We did 138 km of ballast profiling and 92 km of work on track stabilization. We also lifted 5,051 pieces of rails and sleepers from the section and with the help of machines, stacked them at the right spot, “they said.
“Due to the constant flow of mail/express trains, it is difficult to get blocks for various works over the daily course of time. Yet we’ve got 90% capacity to complete these works because of the lockdown, “SECR officials said.
Normal rails and welds have been removed and these defects are now free of the Nagpur division. In addition to removing dilapidated channel sleepers and replacing defective glued joints, the trackmen also renewed CMS crossings and ballast were trained.