7 New cases Covid in city, count Satranjipura is 59

Nagpur: The number of positive patients from Satranjipura increased to 59 with seven more from city testing positive for Covid-19 on Friday. At the same time, the number of cases in seven days from one Mominpura family swelled to 11.
In the district, the total number of cases rose to 105. The number in town climbed to 101. One of seven new positive patients is from Satranjipura and reportedly a 68-year-old deceased neighbor, Covid-19’s first and only death in area. A woman, she has been under institutional quarantine since April 22 and was admitted to IGGMCH after positive testing.
Just the case of Satranjipura contributed 56.19% of the total incidents. Reports of the first and second samples of more than 140 individuals are still awaited. The samples of 150 people quarantined at MLA Hostel and Wanadongri were taken Friday. Also awaited are the accounts of these, all the deceased’s neighbours. Remaining six successful cases are from Mominpura taking a total of 24 that is 22.85% of the district’s total cases.
NMC Mahal-Gandhibagh Zone Zonal Medical Officer Dr Khwaja Moinuddin said, “Five people are 42-year-old immediate family members who had tested positive on April 18. Two are his brothers, one brother’s wife, and her 5-year-old child. The fifth person is his father’s brother,’ he said. Five family members of the person — father, mother, wife, and two children on April 21 had tested positive. And the cumulative number of positive people from this family now is 11.
The NMC team led by Khwaja had quarantined 27 persons from the family residing in one building at Chudi Gully, Mominpura, immediately after the individual was tested positive on April 18. Remaining reports are awaited.
NMC has begun tracking similar connections of 11 successful individuals. The 42-year-old was taking care of 8 Tablighi Jamaatis food and other requirements. Reporting of one more person (male, 38) from Mominpura came positive in late growth. The person’s information could not be identified via the NMC.
Mominpura Family * The 42-year-old resident of Chuddi Gully, Mominpura, tested positive on April 18 * He was caring for eight Jamaatis campsites in Darul Falah, Takia Deewanshah, Mominpura, Jabalpur.
* His five family members — father, mother, wife and two children tested positively on April 21
* Tests from his two parents, the wife of one of four parents, his child and his father’s brother were positive on Friday
* Tests from the remaining 16 family members are anticipated
* NMC is now monitoring near connections between all these individuals.