
In astrology, is the 7th lord in the 10th house spouse?

Yes, in astrology, the 7th lord in the 10th house is a spouse.

The number 7 is considered to be a lucky number because it represents harmony and balance. When you are born on this day, your relationship with people is balanced and there will be no competition between you and your partner.

You have a calm disposition, which makes you likeable and easy to get along with. You are also very generous towards others so people tend to naturally gravitate towards you as well. Your thinking process is highly logical, so whatever ideas or thoughts come into your mind will not seem strange or illogical.

However, there are some disadvantages of being born on this day such as jealousy and jealousy can cause disharmony in relationships if they are not properly handled by both partners involved. Also, this time may bring illness if one partner has an unhealthy habit that causes harm to their body. This can result in divorce or break-up of marriages where one partner leaves for another person that would make them happier than staying with their current spouse or partner could ever do but does not work out well for everyone involved especially when children are involved!

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