MMRCL | Zero Mile | Tekdi subway | Freedom Park | Nagpur

Tekdi Subway Project Signals Transformation for Freedom Park

In a significant move by the Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MMRCL), the iconic Freedom Park, situated at the Zero Mile Metro station, is set to transform to make way for the Tekdi subway. The decision comes in response to the pressing need to alleviate congestion along the Tekdi Road stretch.

Demolition Plans and Subway Progress

Initial blueprints indicate that approximately 25% of the current Freedom Park area is slated for demolition to facilitate the construction of the subway connecting Tekdi Road with Science College Road. The demolition will include key features such as staircases and adjoining sections of the park, reshaping the landscape to accommodate the evolving transportation infrastructure.

Historic Closure and Unruly Behavior

The Freedom Park, located at Old Morris College Square, had long been inaccessible to citizens. Despite being a popular spot for morning and evening walks, the park faced closure, only reopening after media inquiries on a Thursday evening. Over time, the park became a haven for individuals seeking leisure, but the gathering of unruly youngsters during afternoons and evenings became a growing concern.

Nuisance Amidst Tranquility

The tranquility of the green space was disrupted by the wayward behavior of youngsters, creating a nuisance for those looking to spend quality time amidst the hustle and bustle of the busy square. The decision to redevelop the area surrounding the Zero Mile station includes the removal of the amphitheater at Freedom Park, further altering its landscape.

Citizens Express Concern

Citizens were already expressing discontent after discovering closure notices displayed at the park’s entrance. Akhilesh Halve, Deputy General Manager of Corporate Communications at MMRCL, confirmed the development, stating that 25% of the existing park area is earmarked for redirection to facilitate subway construction. Halve assured citizens that post-completion of the subway, the park would be revitalized to its former glory.

Vision for the Future

As the subway project gains momentum, the envisaged transformation holds promises of improved connectivity and reduced traffic congestion on Tekdi Road. While the temporary inconvenience of losing a portion of Freedom Park is undeniable, MMRCL aims to enhance the overall urban experience by creating a modern transportation network. The project aligns with the city’s vision for sustainable growth and efficient public transport.

In the coming days, citizens will witness the evolving landscape around Zero Mile station, with the subway project poised to reshape not only the physical infrastructure but also the dynamics of how individuals navigate and experience their urban surroundings. The closure of Freedom Park is not just a loss but a precursor to a reimagined space that aims to meet the evolving needs of the city and its residents.

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